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FBS Global & Success Elite Development Limited
Effective August 2, 2022, FBS Global Limited is our ultimate holding company, which was incorporated on March 10, 2022, under the laws of Cayman Islands as an exempted company with limited liability (“FBS Cayman” or “the Company”). FBS Global Limited holds 100% total issued and outstanding shares of the common stock of Success Elite Development Limited, a limited liability company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands on February 22, 2022, acting as an intermediate holding company. Success Elite Development Limited, in turn, holds 100% of the total issued and outstanding shares of the common stock of Finebuild System Pte Ltd., the only operation arm of the group of companies which is a limited liability company incorporated on March 9, 1996, under the laws of the Republic of Singapore (“FBS SG”).
Finebuild Systems Pte Ltd
Finebuild Systems Pte Ltd is a Singapore based green building contractor and an established interior fit-out specialist with a track record of over 20 years in institutional, residential, commercial and industrial building projects. As a green contractor focused on environmentally sound practices, we aim to bid tenders for green building projects, use green construction methods and green materials for our construction projects, including design, supply and installation of ceilings, partitions, timber deck, carpet, lead lining, acoustic wall panelling, built-in furniture as well as mechanical and electrical services of a building.